LYNDON LAROUCHE Collected Works, Volume I


This first volume of the Lyndon LaRouche Collected Works contains four of LaRouche’s most important and influential works on the subject of physical economy:

  • So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics?

  • There Are No Limits to Growth

  • The Science of Christian Economy

  • The Dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations: Earth’s Next Fifty Years

So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? was first published in 1984 and has become the single most translated of LaRouche’s books. There Are No Limits to Growth first appeared in 1983 as a direct response to the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, thoroughly refuting the latter’s unscientific Malthusian argument, which underlies the “green” environmentalist movement today. The Science of Christian Economy (1991) is a groundbreaking study written by Mr. LaRouche during the five-year period he was unjustly incarcerated as a political prisoner in significant measure for the arguments he sets forth in this book. The Dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations: Earth’s Next Fifty Years (2004) follows in the footsteps of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa to establish the scientific, cultural, and theological basis for a true dialogue of civilizations, in order to successfully address the existential crises facing humanity today.

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